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Christina Hesford is a hand weaver focusing on woven artwork for galleries, public, and private spaces.

Journal of a textile artist and hand weaver

A journal of art, news, events, reviews, and opinions from artist Christina Hesford.


'Notions of Imperfection' at Toast

Christina Hesford

Toast Logo.jpg

I have been invited to show my first solo exhibition, ‘Notions of Imperfection’, at Toast, Shoreditch. This exhibition will coincide with London Design Festival and Shoreditch Design Triangle. I will be showing a collection of work comprising some older work which has been re-imagined, alongside brand new pieces. This collection challenges notions of beauty and perfection by using something imperfect, a knot, to create something beautiful; to see imperfection as perfection.

Exhibition Dates: 9th September - 25th September
Location: Toast, 42 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch

I will also be running a drop-in weaving workshop on 18th September. Tickets are available here: